Friday, November 21, 2014

Ryan's Logo

What is this about?
This is my logo (above) that I made using Adobe Illustrator. The goal of making this was to create a logo that had my interests in it, and I made my logo into my own baseball academy.

Process and How I made it

I started out thinking what interests me and how can I express it. The first thing that popped into my head was Baseball. So I started sketching and I came up with this. Originally I had this sketch (below), but I wanted to add more, so I tried adding Baseball Bats that crossed through the ball like a skull and cross-bones. When I started making it I made a circle and but my Initials in them but then, I had problems making the laces, it took me a while but I figured it out. The hard part was making the bats because you can't copy and paste in Adobe Illustrator. I started out using the circle tool but it wouldn't work, so then I tried with the rounded-rectangle but that didn't work either, so I realized that I just need to go back to my original sketch. So I took the bats away and it made it much easier. So i turned this sketch into this.

What I learned

What I learned is how to use Adobe Illustrator and how to create different shapes from original shapes you start out with. The hard part of using Adobe Illustrator is that you have a lot of tech stuff in it so it can be very confusing. Also the deadline was in 3 days and it is hard to make a quick logo in just 3 days.

What I would do Differently/Same next time when I make it

What I would do differently next time is try to expand my creations a little further and make it more complex. What I would do the same is using my interests to help create logos. What gained from this experience is that it helps me think differently and help expand my creation to the next level. Overall I had fun doing this but maybe if I had more time I would do better.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Ryan's Color Wheel

Adobe Illustrator Color Wheel

The Color Wheel is important to use because it shows how colors can go together and mix. Companies use these colors because they want to use colors that go well together and have a great ring to it. Colors that a lot of companies use are Red, Green, Blue, Black, White, Purple, Orange, and Brown. Here are some few examples of what each color represent.

Red: Fire, Blood, Energy, Love
Green: Growth, Harmony, Freshness, Nature
Blue: Sky, Sea, Faith, Trust
Black: Power, Evil, Death, Mystery
White: Light, Goodness, Innocence, Purity
Purple: Royalty, Power, Luxury, Ambition
Orange: Joy, Sunshine, Enthusiasm, Happiness