Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Final Reflection (individual work)

What was the Scope of this project?

This project was our final project we did as a team of four. The idea of this project was to think of an idea of a product and try to advertise and sell this product that we created. Our group was struggling at first to come up with ideas since most of us don't like to talk much.  But I thought to myself, how can I make the environment better?  I remembered that I hate mowing the lawn all the time, so I offered the group of an idea of an automatic lawn mower that can mow all by itself without you having to do it yourself.

The Process

Now was the question of how we were going to design it. Well I wasn't good with animation or graphics but luckily we had 2 people in our group that were and the worked on that part. Once we had our design, we had to create a website, commercial and logo and present it to our hour. So we divided up rolls to who was doing what and went from there. The hard part was making the commercial because there was really no way that we could film at school, so we had to film outside of school. We learned that the technology was very tough to use to make this and we did surprisingly well working as a team and all got along. Our presentation went well but after hearing our feedback we had to fix a few things like a script and being more convincing,

What we would do next time

Next time we will probably create a product that doesn't have much hassle of filming and designing and probably make something simpler like a writing utensil. What we would do the same is probably keep the same team because we seem to understand each other and can build off of what we did wrong the first time. This was a good experience because it final made me work as a team to get a huge project done and it made me connect with others. When I get assigned to my next big project I will already be experienced with team projects that I will know what to do and hopefully make it easy

What did I do in this project

Well what I did in this project was a lot than I even imagined. The first thing was make the commercial (top). Now each of us in our team had to make their own commercial and then we pick the best of the four and go with that one. The second thing I did was the remote control and that was not too complicated but it was an animation that I did using Google Sketch-Up. It has a power button, two control sticks, an up arrow and down arrow to adjust the height and a speed up and slow down button to adjust the speed you want. The final thing I did was the website where all the content and things our group made that went in there (below). This took the longest because I had to come with content and decide our color schemes and get everything working correctly.  My meyers-brigg was ESFJ and I am very easy-going and like talking to people and that's how I contribute to teams. Overall, this was a complicated, yet fun thing we did, and I can't wait to do e-comm next year as a sophomore. 

Monday, May 4, 2015

AUTO-MAT commercial

This is our commercial about the new automatic lawn mower called the AUTO-MOW. It is an enhanced lawn mower that does its work for you. This is a project that our group decided to create. Our group's idea was to create a lawn mower that works by itself, so you don't have to work out in the   hot sun. Instead wouldn't you want to stay inside and watch TV instead of working all day and wearing yourself out. This new and improved mower will reduce that mowing time of yours and let's you do whatever you want to do. The idea of this project was to create something that would benefit others use in so many ways. Our group was struggling to come up with something until we started thinking about the environment, then ideas came up like that.

Below is our commercial about the new automatic lawn mower called the AUTO-MOW.