The next site I chose was the Olathe School District's Webpage. Once again, there is a huge difference between the two. Back then Olathe wasn't as big as it is now, and there wasn't as many schools. Now in the old one there are not as many colors as the new one, there isn't as many links and hovers, and there's more images.
Now in the codes the new one uses a lot of href's and the old one used a lot of td's and tf's. Also the new code's text is all green and the old one is red and blue. There is about the same amount of code between both but the old one used a little more. Overall, the website has improved by standing out with many colors.
The final one is Wikipedia. Now when you look right away you can tell there's a lot of differences. The one today has a search bar, and has a logo of a puzzle, while the old website uses only text and has a logo of scribbles. The font is also way different. The old one just only used 1 font and the new one uses many fonts. Including some in different languages.
In the coding in the old Wikipedia they used a lot of var's and in the new Wikipedia they used a lot of td's and tables. Also there is a lot more code in the new one then the old and the old one used more links then today's. Overall all of these websites have changed a lot over time and web designers have gotten more creative over time.
The purpose of the WayBack Machine is to show how websites have changed over the years and how creative people have gotten. They are archiving the videos or links to make them very smooth. Something I found interesting was that it has a library and there are so many different links to go to.