Wednesday, September 30, 2015


This is a story about Thomas Barnes, a student at Olathe Northwest, who's taking his music to a whole to level.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Ways of Colors

4 different way of making color words

HTMl 1: 

In this project we used body styles to create font-families and color words to create a website that had a color for text and a background color to make the text and the background color to blend well.  When you code in Dreamweaver you have to have no space in your color words or then they will not function.

For example:

    And here's what it looks like when it's finished...

    Hexadecimal Color Sampler: 

    In this project we used a ton of div styles with different background colors to make the colors of the rainbow and the different shades of black and gray. With all the different div styles you had to change the color codes to make the certain colors by using the RRGGBB scale. 

    For example:

    Here's the finished product....

    RGB and RGBA: 

    In this project we used RGBA color samplers to adjust colors to having a lot of transparency to no transparency. By using RGBA's we used the code in Dreamweaver to tell the levels of transparency. .2 being most and .8 being opague.

    Here's the final....

    In conclusion there are multiple ways of making colors and they can depend on how you use them to make your creations. From going to the colors of the rainbow to the families to the RGBA's they all have a lot in common.

    Tuesday, September 8, 2015

    TBL and Color Sampler Websites

    These our samples of the first 2 web pages that I made. What I learned in both is that you have to adjust your code to whatever works for you and not the example, because sometimes the computer doesn't register the same as others.

    In the Tim Berners-Lee webpage I learned how to insert an image and how to adjust the height and width. In the color sampler webpage was a little harder and you had to be more creative because there are many different shades of color and so everyone will not have the same color code as you. In this one, we used a lot of div's and we learned about the &nbsp's which are a little confusing but those you have to have or the color won't show up. Overall this was fun to make and it's very fun trying to figure out how much red, blue, or green is needed to make a certain color appear.

    Friday, September 4, 2015

    Procedures Video

    This a video on how to get your lunch at ONW.  This is a 30 second video of a person sitting in class and their teacher tells them it's time to go to lunch.  This is a huge basic procedure because lunch time is really the only free time you have but you have to know what you'll need to do in order to make your time more smooth.

    Wednesday, September 2, 2015

    Professional Project Review

    The story is about this girl named Michaela who is a gymnast and she is a power lifter who competes not only girls but guys.  In this video the shots are very well done and it has a good story that flows very well together.

    The story starts out with her and her mom in the kitchen and she explains how she helps her mom out on one side but is strong and trains with her dad on the other side. I would definitely would apply more variety of shots in my own work because they did a very good job of showing her picking up the weights and lifting them. I already know the 1/3 rule and I have been applying it to my videos.

    The creator of this video did a really good job of editing and not having many shots last for more than   4 seconds and the amount of gnat noise because you don't want to bore the audience and you want to make it realistic as much as possible.  The could improve on the lighting better if they can because some shots seemed very dark and some were hurting my eyes so if they don't have that sort of glare then it will be better.

    Overall, this was a very good story and that she works very hard and it pays off in the end, and that she never gave up. Also it's amazing how much she can lift.