Friday, November 6, 2015




This is a story about Roan Stanley, a sophomore at ONW who moved from Memphis, TN who hopes to fit in very well in a new school. The general idea of this story was to show how students like Roan can have their ups and downs while moving but can still have fun and get involved.


How I started was I first interviewed Roan and his mom about what got them thinking about moving and then I went and filmed Roan of what he does everyday.  Then I wrote a script of how the voice overs would play out in the video. Finally I put it all together in Final Cut Pro and put the video with the voice overs into one video.

Things I learned was you definitely need more B-Roll then you think you need cause you can never have to much B-Roll. Also I learned how to focus the camera better and make sure it doesn't go out of focus which also can sometimes be the camera's fault.

What I would do differently/same

What I would do differently next time is get the interviewer to express more in their answers and like I said earlier DEFINITELY MORE B-ROLL! What I would do the same is keep writing the scripts the way I do because they seem to flow very well in all of my videos. 


This was a good experience especially because of the time spent and how long it takes to make it.  In conclusion, this video was a fun won to make and hopefully I make more

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