Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Explore A/V Semester Reflection

Explore A/V

This semester I am in a class in the E-Communications Program at Olathe Northwest High School called Exploring Audio and Video (Explore A/V). During the semester we had many projects we had to do involving a new concept we had to learn along the way. Some projects that were assigned were about an interesting story about someone at our school, our schools blood drive, a procedure video about how to do something at Olathe Northwest, and a news broadcast.

Problems along the way

Whenever you have a plan of what you want to accomplish, doesn't it seem that it never goes exactly the way you want it? Well that's exactly true for these projects we created. First we had to plan out what we were going to film and how we were going to do it. The problem is working around after school and with other activities you do outside of school because our projects are due at a specific date, and also getting the right shots towards your topic and getting enough. I've had that experience before when I didn't get enough footage and my video wasn't very well done and I wished that I got more, so always get more footage then you think you do. Also during our blood drive project we couldn't use tripods to hold our cameras, so we had to hold them ourselves, and many of us were very shaky so all the footage wasn't very good and we only had 10 minutes to get everything we needed including 2 interviews. I didn't like that none of us got much footage but in the end we shared footage with each other and it made it a lot better.


With all the projects we did, a lot of the ideas were stellar on paper, but when we went to do it live, it didn't work out the way we thought it would. The hardest project was probably the news broadcast because we were in a team of about 10-11 people and we all had to come up with a theme and decide on who's doing each part of the broadcast and each of us would pair up and do a news package to go into the broadcast. What really didn't work out was no one agreed with each other on ideas, so we mostly had votes, and that seemed to do the trick on getting everything in on time. Overall, in a partner project, you and your partner have to communicate a lot on what works best to work together. 

Learning and Action Plan

What I learned this semester so far is how to work better with a partner, hold the camera steadier, and write better scripts. What I will do better next semester is work better on editing faster and focus more on what I need to do. What I hope to learn is how to do broadcasts better and get a glimpse of how they will run because I am highly considering of doing mostly broadcasting next year. Below are some of the projects I have done this year

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