Friday, January 29, 2016

Past, Present, and Future Website

Past Present Future 

I made a website in Dreamweaver about the things I have done in the past, the present, and will do in the future. In this website I used rollover images with different types of layer effects with a background and a 3D effect for content. 

Below are the pages of the site they all used different types of divs. The part with the rollover images were in the div called top and the content all went into a div of inner bottom and into another div called bottom. All the content went to the black screen that I created in Photoshop using different layer effects like drop shadow. They also used scroll bars to get all the content which only used pretty much in the past page because there was a lot of content.


Starting the website wasn't easy at all. First I had to make a background and the black screen with the different pieces of the rollovers and that took a while to get it just right but I had to add a whole bunch of different layers and layer effects with the bevel and emboss and each one had its own layer so I made about 8 layers because I also had to copy the finished one. When setting up the website I used the div called wrap and that kept everything in that certain div. The one problem was I was trying to make the top div but it kept sending it to the bottom so I had to call that bottom and re-create the top div. Making all the divs were probably the hardest part

Challenges and What I learned

Some challenges I had were just starting the website and also placing all the rollover images in with their effects,  but I found out that it seemed to not like the scripts weren't working correctly but also getting the effects to work were a pain and I had to start over in putting them in because the functions were all messed up. I also learned how to put in scroll bars and they aren't hard, it just takes a while but overall this was very stressful but I made it to a success.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Tornado Alley Website

Tornado Alley Website


This was a website I made about Tornado Alley and what the causes are. I mainly made this website because I was interested in this topic and wanted to share how it can affect those who live in the area and to know when you can expect a tornado. 


First I had to come up with a topic that I was interested in to talk about in my website. To start out I couldn't think of anything but I eventually thought of weather and I knew I liked watching Tornado Chasing on the Weather Channel so that's what I decided to do my topic on. This wasn't very easy to make at all. I basically started from scratch and filling in the code of Dreamweaver with a basic two column layout which was probably the easiest part but adding all the content and divs were very complicated if you didn't do it right. I didn't mess up so bad but it was hard to make the links to the other pages and that got very funky at times. Towards the end my links weren't all working so i had to go back and make sure every page was correct, so I did the same thing 25 times. 

What I Learned Along The Way

What I learned along the way was how to make the divs become more of the website by using them for my whole website and knowing exactly what to put for CSS Styles to make it look good. I also learned that you have to plan out what you need to do each day to get your project in on time and not fall behind or then you'll rush to just get it done and not spend time on making it look amazing.

What I Would Do The Same/Different

What I would do the same is working on content out of school or anything I can in case I fall behind. What I would do differently is to know more of what I can do on my own time so then I don't have to ask for help and learn and get better.


This project was fun and it will help me draw experiences in case someone needs a website on their topic or trying to advertise their product and I hope to keep getting better. Click the link below to visit my website and all the other projects I have done.