Monday, October 17, 2016

ONW Band Story/Mr. Davis Award/Personal Project Review


This is a story on the 2016 Raven Pride Marching Band and their field show Turandot as well as an award won by the director of the ONW Band for their fantastic performance.


The process started with Mr. Davis winning an award for Outstanding Young Band Director of the Northeast District of Kansas and I decided to do a story about the band and what it takes to be in the marching band. I wanted to do a story on just Mr. Davis but I thought why not do a mid-season story on the band and their season. When I started to prepare to do this story I couldn't film the footage because I am in the marching band, so somebody else was willing to film for me and I was very appreciative of that. When I came to edit, I was stuck because writing the voice-overs was very hard to do especially when I didn't know how to start it. When it came down to critiquing my video I didn't realize my audio level was not even, so I had to go back and fix later.

What I learned/What can I do better

What I learned was to make sure audio is consistently level and even as well as be more articulate on my voice overs and make sure to be careful of editing the background music. What I would do differently is make sure I am framing the interviewee more in the frame and make his shoulders are both in the shot. Maybe getting interviews with students. I was very proud of my sequencing and timing as I thought that went very well. 


This was a good experience for me because I learned what it was really like to do a news story mostly by myself and I know what to expect for next time and plan on what I am going to do before hand as well as being more flexible if something doesn't go my way. I hope to get better each and every day and keep moving forward.

Photo Composition Responsive Site


This is a responsive web site about Photo Composition that I have been working on. The purpose of a responsive website is so you can view it on any device at anytime. A responsive website is able to adjust the CSS to fit in the browser. The overall idea of this is to make things a lot easier to view instead of just on a PC.


As a started making my Photo Composition site, I had to figure out what rules I wanted to show. Over spring break I took different photos for 12 different rules. Below are some of the pictures I took....

Making the site was going very smooth; until my banner didn't want to go in its place. I spent a long time trying to figure out why it would it not stay in the header div. I finally figured out that I had extra spacing in the div and that's what was making it expand to the wrap div. Once, I finished the regular Photo Composition site, it was time to make a responsive version. For this all I needed to do was add media styles for a tablet, and mobile device. Overall adding them wasn't too difficult, but I had to make sure that I could tell them apart.

What I learned:

What I learned along the way is that you REALLY need check your code quite often because any extra space in the CSS will throw the whole thing off.

What I would do differently/same:

What I would do differently next time is make sure my code isn't very confusing because it took me a while to figure out what was making my website very funky. What I would do the same is keep working hard on detail because I pay attention the most to detail and perfection.


Overall, this was a good way to get an experience with a responsive website, because almost all website have to have responsive websites or their company is in trouble. Getting the hands-on experience will help me later if someone needs help trying to get their website to view on their phone, and I will know exactly what to do. This was a really stressing, but fun project to work on and now I get a glimpse of what real web designers do.