Monday, October 17, 2016

Photo Composition Responsive Site


This is a responsive web site about Photo Composition that I have been working on. The purpose of a responsive website is so you can view it on any device at anytime. A responsive website is able to adjust the CSS to fit in the browser. The overall idea of this is to make things a lot easier to view instead of just on a PC.


As a started making my Photo Composition site, I had to figure out what rules I wanted to show. Over spring break I took different photos for 12 different rules. Below are some of the pictures I took....

Making the site was going very smooth; until my banner didn't want to go in its place. I spent a long time trying to figure out why it would it not stay in the header div. I finally figured out that I had extra spacing in the div and that's what was making it expand to the wrap div. Once, I finished the regular Photo Composition site, it was time to make a responsive version. For this all I needed to do was add media styles for a tablet, and mobile device. Overall adding them wasn't too difficult, but I had to make sure that I could tell them apart.

What I learned:

What I learned along the way is that you REALLY need check your code quite often because any extra space in the CSS will throw the whole thing off.

What I would do differently/same:

What I would do differently next time is make sure my code isn't very confusing because it took me a while to figure out what was making my website very funky. What I would do the same is keep working hard on detail because I pay attention the most to detail and perfection.


Overall, this was a good way to get an experience with a responsive website, because almost all website have to have responsive websites or their company is in trouble. Getting the hands-on experience will help me later if someone needs help trying to get their website to view on their phone, and I will know exactly what to do. This was a really stressing, but fun project to work on and now I get a glimpse of what real web designers do.

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