Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Importing/Exporting Videos Tutorial

This is a tutorial on how to import media and export videos in Final Cut Pro.

                             First open Final Cut Pro (the one on the right) and wait for it to load

Then click File: Import: Media 

Select the first clip you have 

Then press Shift and Click on the last clip you want to select all

Click Import Selected and wait for all of the clips to load or it could cause problems while you are editing.

When you are finished with your video and ready to export it go to File: Share: Apple Devices 1020p

Then this screen will appear. Make sure you name your video and you can put a description it is not required but it's recommended. 

Go under settings and make sure that it opens with Quick Time Player or then it will not export properly 

Click Next and this Screen will appear name the video whatever you want but make sure it is a .m4v file and save it where you want it (I am saving it to the desktop).

Click Save and wait for it to open in Quicktime Player and then your done and you can upload your video to Youtube.

Friday, December 16, 2016

Professional Article Review- Blue Springs Golden Regiment

This is an article on the Blue Springs High School Golden Regiment and their trip to Waikiki, Hawaii for a holiday parade. This marks the third time the band has been invited with previous visits in 2002 and 2012. The band has already been to Macy's Thanksgiving Parade and the Tournament of Roses but Waikiki means a whole lot more to the program.

The author is arguing the fact that the Golden Regiment is having the best season in its history with a 5th place finish in Grand National Championships as well as being the honor band that led off the parade. With the Golden Regiment being one of the best High School Bands in the nation, going to places where not many go is a huge honor.

The main strengths of this article are how the author talks about the past trips the band has done including two of the most difficult parades to get into. Also, the author talked with the director and drum majors on what their feelings were and I thought that was proper to get different viewpoints Some weaknesses were that they didn't explain why they were selected so maybe they could explained that better.

When I read this article I was pretty shocked that they were that big of a deal and author did a good job of detailing of what they do and why they are nationally recognized. It shows that hard work really pays off and seeing them perform in person was very fun to watch.

Overall, I think the author did a great job of recognizing Blue Springs and really showing how they work hard and have fun at the same time.

Here is the link to the article below

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Professional Project Review-Blue Devils Drummer 2014


This is a story about 16 year old Brandon Olander and how he is the youngest in the 2014 Blue Devils Drum & Bugle Corp. CBS Evening News did a story about him and how he got started into drumming as well as show off his skills and what it takes to be a drum corp.

Overall the story was very interesting and it showed how hard it is do make the Blue Devils and show  how Brandon was willing to work at his ultimate goal.


The story was told well, it started out with showing clips from the performance in semi-finals, and then went backwards and talked about how Brandon got to that level. 

One thing I saw that I would apply to my own work is start using more gnat sound as well as get more POV shots. Something I saw that I have been using is the writing was very creative and didn't say the same thing over and over again. They also used videos from the past which I used in some of my videos.

The CBS reporter did a good job of transitioning from topic to topic about Brandon and getting interviews from him and the percussion instructor Scott Johnson as well as changing shots more quickly and using animated transitions. Something I saw in the interviews was that they were in the center more than either the left or right side so maybe move them over just slightly. 


This was a really good story and it shows that if you have a dream and really want it to come true, then it takes a lot of effort into making it happen which Brandon did just that. 

This a video from CBS Evening News reported by Jill Wagner in 2014. The video is up above and no copyright intended

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Feature Story: Mr. Carter

This is a video on ONW Math/Percussion Instructor Chris Carter, who is now entering his 3rd year teaching at Olathe Northwest. Carter attended the University of Kansas and was involved in the Jayhawk Pep band and was even mentioned on ESPN. Mr. Carter is very excited to be at ONW and hopes to make many memories here.

HOA Recap

This video is a recap of the Olathe Northwest High School Marching Band winning overall Grand Champion at the 2016 Heart of America Marching Festival at The University of Kansas. This is now the 2nd time Olathe Northwest has won a marching festival with the first one coming last year at the 2015 Neewollah Marching Festival.