Friday, December 16, 2016

Professional Article Review- Blue Springs Golden Regiment

This is an article on the Blue Springs High School Golden Regiment and their trip to Waikiki, Hawaii for a holiday parade. This marks the third time the band has been invited with previous visits in 2002 and 2012. The band has already been to Macy's Thanksgiving Parade and the Tournament of Roses but Waikiki means a whole lot more to the program.

The author is arguing the fact that the Golden Regiment is having the best season in its history with a 5th place finish in Grand National Championships as well as being the honor band that led off the parade. With the Golden Regiment being one of the best High School Bands in the nation, going to places where not many go is a huge honor.

The main strengths of this article are how the author talks about the past trips the band has done including two of the most difficult parades to get into. Also, the author talked with the director and drum majors on what their feelings were and I thought that was proper to get different viewpoints Some weaknesses were that they didn't explain why they were selected so maybe they could explained that better.

When I read this article I was pretty shocked that they were that big of a deal and author did a good job of detailing of what they do and why they are nationally recognized. It shows that hard work really pays off and seeing them perform in person was very fun to watch.

Overall, I think the author did a great job of recognizing Blue Springs and really showing how they work hard and have fun at the same time.

Here is the link to the article below

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