Friday, November 17, 2017

Weekly Blog 11/17

This is an article about the feud between the NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell and Dallas Cowboys  Owner, Jerry Jones. The heated debate between the suspension of Ezekiel Elliot has drawn the relationship into jeopardy.

What the reporter did well was tell a story from the very beginning to end and it provides multiple paragraphs of the different angles from Goodell, Jones, and other executives involved. They also explained how Jones was furious that Goodell suspended Elliot for no real reason, as there was no proof for his suspension.

What the reporter needs to work on is not end the post on a cliff-hanger, as it was cut off from potentially expanding the story. A conclusion sentence would have been very important to know when he article is finished, opposed to interrupting the passage.

How I will implement this in my work is to do more research and get actual facts to put in the articles or writing that I do, because many people in the media make the mistake of not communicating with sources to get the correct information.

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Weekly Blog 11/10

This article is about the conflict between free agent quarterback Colin Kaepernick and NFL commissioner Roger Goodell about an invitation to have a meeting regarding the hearing, but the NFL kept changing their thoughts on a meeting.

What the reporter did well was give the inside scoop of what happened between the confusion between both sides. Kaepernick requested a mediator to help in this decision but the NFL rejected his proposal. They journalist did a nice job of providing evidence and telling a story instead of throwing it around all over the place. Also adding in at the last two paragraphs about the history of what happened provided clarity to the reader.

What the reporter could have done better was rename the headline to what they actual topic is. While it did involve a mediator that wasn't the main subject of the article. It was about how the mediator affected the possibility of a meeting.

Overall this week technically I haven't done a whole lot other than lower thirds, and completing them for other classmates. I am also on highlights from fall sports and been going through to improve my editing skills and writing skills by writing these blogs every week.

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Weekly Blog 11/3

This article is about how the pizza company of Papa John's is very upset with the NFL, and how they handled the anthem protests. CEO John Schnatter said that the company was receiving less advertisements, and that the NFL is not showing good leadership. Now other major companies are getting rubbed the wrong way with their partnership with the NFL.

What the reporter did well was list all of the companies that were having issues with advertising or partnership questions. Giving specific companies like PepsiCo, Microsoft, Nationwide, PG, etc. Also, giving specific detail by including statements from other high executives from companies like Dannon and Hyundai.

What the reporter could improve on is provide more information about how the stock went down. There was only one little sentence explaining that the stock only went down by 8.5%. Providing more specific detail about the numbers standpoint of reasons why the sales were going down would have been a nice addition.

What I could do is I liked at the very end the reporter used statements and quotes from 5 of the other sponsors, to show who was all involved in the situation with the NFL and their thoughts on the issue. This would be beneficial on getting other sources to help support a story that I work on so that it makes the story more interesting and intriguing.

This week I feel like I have showed the example of what a feature story is supposed to kind of be like except for the length and not using 2 interviews.