Over the course of this Fall Semester, I have learned to adjust to different environments with the new junior class coming in. While the first semester was a little up and down, I have learned to be open with working with different people and adapting to the different situations that occur. It is nice to work with people you like to work with, but in order to get to know new people is going out of your comfort zone and learning about your co-workers and/or clients.
So far this year I think my strengths have increased, however, I don't think a large amount of weaknesses have become strengths yet. My top overall strengths this year are smooth camera work, social media managing, video editing, and asking questions as a reporter.
Smooth camera work is at the top because I have increased the amount of games I get to film and each time in has gotten more of the action without being shaky or out of frame. I have improved by finding how far zoomed out or in I need to be to make sure I don't miss anything. Also being alert on what is going on in the game is very important so that your camera work does not distract or throw off the viewer. Social Media managing also is been one of my top strengths. As a sports reporter it is crucial that you provide information throughout the game of injuries and score updates. I feel like I have been very descriptive on our Twitter page this year by giving updates frequently. Now what I need to improve there is always having correct information before posting. That happened a few times. Video editing has always been strength but I have included transitions and music in a lot of my work, and it looks more professional, also keeping stats and finding good highlights have been easy for me as I am aware of when it happened and how to sequence it. Finally asking good questions is becoming a strength too. When we had media day, I was expected to run camera, however, things changed and was put into a reporter role. With no preparedness in advance, I somehow managed to come up with more questions on the fly then anyone else.
My weaknesses this year have to include little technical skills in editing, and writing and grammar. My technical skills have not been perfect, but I don't expect them to as everyone makes mistakes. Although, it is those little mistakes when editing a video that could be pointed out and critiqued. For example, communicating with others about different ways I could approach an angle as well as the quality of clips that I include in the package. Also, writing articles on posts of game recaps is what I struggle with too. Including many paragraphs about the game is very hard, especially when you don't know much about the team, game, or not enough research.
What I will do to improve my weaknesses is probably communicating more with others in the class and get different opinions on ways I could make my video package better. Also, getting correct information to use also will help make the quality more intriguing and not confusing. Finally, what I need to improve my writing skills is research more on the teams, as well as, look professional writers at ESPN, FOX, or CBS and be very descriptive on what I am talking about. Overall I am excited to finish off my high school career next semester and pursue Journalism in college.
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