Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Photoshop Projects

Below are the five photoshop projects I did using Adobe Photoshop. Each one of these I did were related to Graphic Design and Web Design.

The First one is a picture of my school with letters and a compass that has the name in it. The tools I used were the horizon tool to blend it in with the clouds and I used to opacity tool to make it shade to a clear shade.

The Second one is a picture of a Monarch Butterfly. I kind of messed up on it but the tools I used were the Paint Bucket and the selection tool. I used to the selection tool to select all the parts inside the butterfly and used the paint bucket to fill it with different colors. I also used the clone stamp 
tool to make it look like it's flying so I hovered over it, option-click and dragged through the wings.

 The Third one is a picture of the school cut out into the words of the name. The tools I used were the gradient tool to make the colors right. I used the crop tool to size the image just right and I used the selection and inverse tool to get the words to look like what is shown.

The Fourth project I did was a picture of our mascot, school, and the inside of the school. The tools I used were the lasso and magnetic lasso tool and those were used to shape the image I had on the raven and cars that were originally in the picture. I also used the clone stamp to erase the light posts that used to be there. Finally I copied and pasted the image inside the school and used the different opacity levels to blend it in with the picture.

The Final project I did was my name in a color scheme. The tools I used were the gradient tool to highlight the color scheme I wanted to use and a mask tool to get it white and I turned on the transparency to get like this.

The differences between Photoshop and Illustrator are that in photoshop you have different tools to use pictures and Illustrator uses different tools for designs. Graphic designers need both because to make a good image you have to have a picture and good a good color scheme. Overall these projects took a long process but they paid of in the end.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Web Project

This web project was my first project using Adobe Dreamweaver. It was a very long process and it took a lot of steps and it was very difficult at some points. The parts that were hard were making some of the new CSS rules, because if you didn't follow the steps correctly than you would be in trouble because you can't undo it. What also was hard was getting the links to work. Even if you are one letter off, you have to start over the link process. It doesn't take long but it takes time off from finishing. Overall the project was fun, I got to experience something I've never done before and it gets me into the Web Design strand. The web project will help me with Web Design in the future. A few questions I have about web design are What do we do in the future of High School and Is this a good job in the job industry?

Below are some of the things I created in Adobe Dreamweaver for the Web Project

Friday, November 21, 2014

Ryan's Logo

What is this about?
This is my logo (above) that I made using Adobe Illustrator. The goal of making this was to create a logo that had my interests in it, and I made my logo into my own baseball academy.

Process and How I made it

I started out thinking what interests me and how can I express it. The first thing that popped into my head was Baseball. So I started sketching and I came up with this. Originally I had this sketch (below), but I wanted to add more, so I tried adding Baseball Bats that crossed through the ball like a skull and cross-bones. When I started making it I made a circle and but my Initials in them but then, I had problems making the laces, it took me a while but I figured it out. The hard part was making the bats because you can't copy and paste in Adobe Illustrator. I started out using the circle tool but it wouldn't work, so then I tried with the rounded-rectangle but that didn't work either, so I realized that I just need to go back to my original sketch. So I took the bats away and it made it much easier. So i turned this sketch into this.

What I learned

What I learned is how to use Adobe Illustrator and how to create different shapes from original shapes you start out with. The hard part of using Adobe Illustrator is that you have a lot of tech stuff in it so it can be very confusing. Also the deadline was in 3 days and it is hard to make a quick logo in just 3 days.

What I would do Differently/Same next time when I make it

What I would do differently next time is try to expand my creations a little further and make it more complex. What I would do the same is using my interests to help create logos. What gained from this experience is that it helps me think differently and help expand my creation to the next level. Overall I had fun doing this but maybe if I had more time I would do better.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Ryan's Color Wheel

Adobe Illustrator Color Wheel

The Color Wheel is important to use because it shows how colors can go together and mix. Companies use these colors because they want to use colors that go well together and have a great ring to it. Colors that a lot of companies use are Red, Green, Blue, Black, White, Purple, Orange, and Brown. Here are some few examples of what each color represent.

Red: Fire, Blood, Energy, Love
Green: Growth, Harmony, Freshness, Nature
Blue: Sky, Sea, Faith, Trust
Black: Power, Evil, Death, Mystery
White: Light, Goodness, Innocence, Purity
Purple: Royalty, Power, Luxury, Ambition
Orange: Joy, Sunshine, Enthusiasm, Happiness


Friday, October 24, 2014

Logo Color Use

This logo is the Clemson University Tigers logo. The university is representing the logo as it is a picture of a paw print of the mascot the Clemson Tiger. The colors of this logo are yellow-orange, and orange, there are different colors of the logo as well, but this one though is yellow-orange. Others are orange/purple, regular orange, and orange/white. The color schemes that this logo has is Analogous, Warm, and Triad. The university probably used these colors because of the mascot that they thought of because the tiger is usually orange but they used white and purple occasionally because white goes well with sports uniforms and purple would be used as a blend with orange a warm color and purple as a cool color. Overall, this is a great logo, it's like the paw print on my baseball hat from last year except it's red and Clemson is a pretty cool football program.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Final (The Interview)

This is video was about me getting interviewed by Evan Musil about this quarter of e-comm in the video strand. This quarter has been really fun, this program is a great program and it makes me think more about college and what I want to be when I'm older. The class was awesome in 2nd hour, everyone was focused and working with different people made it a lot better so that you could get to know them. Everyone was contributing for every project so it made it easier and faster to get something done. The hard part of this class was being creative and coming up with new ideas, but we all did very well with that. I think I did a pretty good job in this class this quarter, I got every assignment turned in on time. What I learned is how to use final cut pro and use different short cut keys and that really came into effect of when we edited. I also learned how to use the 6 shot sequence and that was a sequence we used the whole quarter, and it was a great thing to use in the video. I learned a lot more of what video entertainment is then what I knew before. Overall, this a great class to be in with a lot of students that are different like you are to them, and coming to work. That's going to help us in the future big time.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

The Chase

What I learned in this project is how to do create a video that builds curiosity and suspense, and having a beginning, middle, and end part of the sequence of ABC. Also I learned that taking a bunch of shots in the sequence was more effective because you could show different angles of someone being chased and decide on which one you want. What I will apply in my next project is spending more time and getting a whole lot of more shots. The collaboration was a lot different this time than the last couple of projects because we have to think more outside of the box a little bit more of what we wanted to do exactly and it took more time to storyboard with a whole lot of different shots that we had to take. To use collaboration in are next project is going to have to take everyone's help to get something done so it can be faster and run more smoothly.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

AB Sequence

 What I learned about this project is how to do one idea and turn it into two different 6 shot sequences and how to work as a team for shooting shots. What I will apply to my next project is probably to motivate myself to try to contribute as much as I can and try to come up with some ideas. Although I can't really come up with them I usually need someone to bounce ideas off of. To define collaboration, in my words is that collaboration is when you work with 1 or more people and try to accomplish something. This really was important to my project and group because we worked as a team and you know the old saying "Two heads are better than one" It is true, if you work together and get stuff done it is a whole lot faster hen doing it by yourself. Teamwork is one of the most important things and life and I hope to continue to do that.

Monday, September 8, 2014

6 Shot Sequence

The six shots in the six shot sequence are the Extra Close Up (XCU), Over the Shoulder (OTS), Close Up (CU), Medium Shot (MS), Wide Shot (WS) and the Extra Wide Shot (XWS). Here is a description of what they exactly are.

Extra Close Up- Is to find a way to get a close up of the hands.
Over The Shoulder- It shows what that person is doing.
Close Up- Is a close up of the person's face and answers the question of who it is.
Medium Shot- Shows the person from the hips and above
Wide Shot- Shows what that person is doing, but not the entire scene.
Extra Wide Shot- Sets the scene.

What I learned is all the different shots in the 6 shot sequence, how long to shoot each shot, and you can't have wide shots back to back. In final cut pro I learned how to detach the audio. What I will apply in my next project is to work faster so I'm not behind and not ask so many questions unless I have to.

Saturday, August 30, 2014

My Personality Type

ESFJ's are usually cooperative people and we get seem to get along with other people and tend to bring up others instead of criticizing others. The way ESFJ's stick out against other people is that we help others when they need it most. Another famous ESFJ is George Washington.

    I seem to have no strong preference of anything

The description of an ESFJ almost fits me. I like to get things done on time and I like to be social with other people, once I get to know them. I'm a pretty easy-going guy except if someone is annoying me a lot or not doing any sort of work, then I lose my temper. I really don't notice what everyone else needs in their lives but I try when I can. I'm also not to mean about little mistakes that happen. I'm not a huge talker, I am more on the quiet side but sometimes I can get carried away. The biggest thing is that I want to be appreciated for what I do but it seems like no one does. A thing that doesn't fit me is I don't like to get things out of the way all the time, I like to have fun, then work.

When someone usually needs help I try to help in the best way I can. If someone is not understanding what to do I can explain but not very good. I like to get others involved even if they don't want to. I don't force but I plead. It's just like the saying "You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink." What makes me get mad is if someone doesn't do something a certain way, usually I like things done a certain way which is like my dad in a way. I do tend to have strong opinions how other's are behaving and what is the right way to do something. If someone is doing something that makes me uncomfortable I just walk away, but if it's bad I speak up. I do have pretty good manners I am never really rude at all. Usually when I'm tired you probably don't want to say something that is mean or I get really mad, but I can control it. If something happens to me usually I will not forget but I don't hold a grudge. If I'm doing a project I like to hear step by step instructions that I can understand what to do or then I'm really lost. I'm really more like my father because we have the same interests and we have the same habit's like not having a clean room, piling up junk, etc. It's just how the guys in our family are, but my mom is the complete opposite, it has to be clean and spotless, but they both know what's best for me and hope I'm successful, but I am different from them and everyone else and that's who I am.

Friday, August 22, 2014

I chose baseball as my topic because it's my favorite sport to play and I have played it since I was 5. Baseball is important to me because I love the game and I'm very passionate of the game. I like to hit the ball and run around the bases and field as well. I am very good at baseball as well and I hope to take my talent to the next level in high school and possibly college. The most important thing of all is that I'm having fun at competing at the best of my ability. The tools I used in Final Cut Pro X were the transitions, the blade which is command B, how to undo and delete things I didn't want which is the Command Z, how to cut certain parts of the video by using the I key and O key. I hope you enjoy!